Century Barn Inspiration

Our client's dream was to live in a house that looked & felt like a hundred-year-old barn.

Century Barn Inspiration

Project details

Design & Build

This project was born out of the client's request for a house with the features of an old bank barn. To achieve this, we used a simple form, dramatically high ceilings, exposed wood structural elements, and simple, rustic materials.

Large window walls on the north and south facades mimic the single large openings found in old barns and open up the interior to sunlight and beautiful views of the surrounding landscape. From the large open spaces on the first floor, double stairs wind up to a mezzanine and library, and up again to more intimate bedrooms with views to the woods. A final smaller pair of stairs lead up to the attic, where the client's vision of a view through the trusses creates the most unique moment in the home.